Storage Durango Blue Diamond

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How to Shift from Temporary to Long Term Storage

While the circumstances are different for everyone, you can determine the amount of space you’ll need when choosing storage space in Las Vegas. It definitely helps you to understand your needs if you have utilized storage services before, or if you currently are during a move. When you are considering moving into a long-term storage solution, there are a few things to remember that can make the whole process easier for you and allow you to store your belongings in the smartest ways. Here are a few things to remember if you are in the process of moving from short-term to long-term storage after a move:

Consider the Space You’ll Need

If you are using short-term storage for your move or even after your move, you find yourself adding and removing items over time. You may even have gotten into the habit if rotating out things like seasonal items or decorations. This process certainly gives you insight into your methods of organization and how well you’ll actually do to stay on top of your rotating items. This opportunity helps you understand what is needed or not regarding updates to your unit or upgrades in size.

Once you have gained some insight into what you’ll really need to put in your long-term storage unit, you can begin making a list of things that can be stored long term. It is easier to give yourself peace of mind by checking each item off on your list. You can also ensure you have enough supplies to pack up your storage items if you have a comprehensive list of all things included.

Easy for Budgeting

If you’ve been using short-term storage without a plan for how long you might be utilizing the space, it can be smarter to switch to a long-term storage mindset to be able to budget a bit better. Having the commitment to the longer term makes it clear as to how much you might spend on the extra space. You can more easily factor this into your budget as it is more of an extension of your home. Those who aren’t planning for long term may not factor the cost of the storage space into their regular monthly budget. Simply decide whether the space is regularly needed, and consider your best usage of the space as well.

Be Careful When Packing

While you are packing up the items to place in your storage unit, there are a few key things that you should pay close attention to for your own personal satisfaction. One important thing to remember is to reduce the use of plastic bags to store your things. You might consider putting something like winter coats or snow clothes in a large plastic bag. Because plastic will hold in more moisture, you’ll run a higher risk of mold forming inside of your plastic bags. The lack of air flow can cause some issues for things that remain untouched for lengthy periods of time.

Even if you are placing some fragile items in boxes, take the time to wrap anything of value before placing it in its box. This is especially helpful when things will stay in place for long periods of time. The likelihood that you will forget about some of the fragile items in the box is high. And you may be accidentally careless one day in the future and simply not remember that you were to be careful with that particular box. It will give you peace of mind to know that everything is wrapped - so be overly cautious.

Get a Vacuum Sealer

If you haven’t already gotten one for your own closet, a vacuum sealer can be an inexpensive and efficient way to pack things for your storage unit. While plastic is not recommended when loosely packing things up in a bag, the air inside the bag is the real issue with mold. A vacuum sealer can make your clothing take up significantly less space when packing things up, and keep things completely protected from dust or the elements.

Plan Ahead and Use Pallets

If you have anything that could be easily damaged or anything that might require a bit of extra air flow, it is a good idea to employ the use of pallets in your storage unit. You can usually get pallets at a local home improvement stores. When you have a lot of items in your unit, things can sometimes get packed a bit tightly. Putting pallets beneath your boxed or stacked things will help increase airflow and keep your items in better overall condition. It is a helpful and easy way to make your storage unit even better with an added layer of luxury.

Go Overboard on Labeling

One piece of advice that seems like it is obvious, is to label everything. However, if you’re thinking along the lines of long-term storage, you’ll want to go a little overboard on the labeling of your boxes and bins. Chances are that you’ll forget about some of the items in a box, and it is much easier to read a specific label about what is in the box instead of get the box down, open it, and look through to see if you find what you need. Taking the extra time when you put each box in your unit will save you tons of time down the road.

Clean Everything

Another more obvious tip, but certainly can be easily overlooked, is to clean everything before storing. Sometimes you might find dirt or grime on something, especially appliances, that can mold or grow worse over time if left unnoticed. Just take the time to thoroughly clean each item before packing in a box or vacuum sealed bag - you’ll thank yourself later!

Have any questions about long-term storage in Las Vegas? Give us a call at Storage Durango Blue Diamond to learn more about how to best suit your needs with our storage units or to learn about how to get started!